When you define a new trip, or modify an existing one, you use the trip PLAN screen to specify a starting point, a destination and any stops (or waypoints) that you want in between.

Each stop is added to the trip by first tapping Add Stop on the trip plan.

When you tap Add Stop, the Find Location screen is displayed, where you can add one or more stops to your trip.

You can look up a specific address or use any of the methods below to add or edit stops to the trip that you are planning.


Select a Stop from Recent Searches


On the Find Location screen, either:

  • Select one of the two most recently searched-for locations.
  • Tap More Recents to select one of the locations that you have searched for previously

The location that you selected will be added as a stop to the trip plan. 


Use Favorites to Plan a Trip


CoPilot allows you to save a list of favorite locations. These are locations that you are likely to use frequently when planning trips.

1. On the Find Location screen, tap the favorites icon to display the Favorites screen. 

2. Select the location that you want to add to your trip as a stop, and it will be added to the trip plan.


Select Places 


CoPilot allows you to search for fuel stations, restaurants and many other Places you might want to stop. You can either search for Places that are nearest to your current location or search in another place of your choice. Once you have found a suitable Place, you can add it to your trip as a stop.

1. On the Find Location screen, tap one of the Places icons:

TIP: To view and select from a detailed categorized list of Places, you can tap the menu icon instead. The list of nearby Places of the type you select is displayed. 

2. To instead see the list of Place near another location, tap Nearby. Tap Other City and then search for, and select, another location. If you have a destination already entered you will also be able to search for Places On Route or At Destination.

3. You can use the buttons at the top-right of the screen to toggle between the list and map, allowing you to choose how you view the Places that have been found.

4. You can either select a location from the list, or you can tap one of the icons on the map and then tap the selection icon, to add the location as a stop to your trip.

5. Tap the plus icon at the bottom of the screen to add the Place you selected as a stop on the trip plan.


Search Online


In addition to selecting stops from CoPilot’s built-in list of Places, you can select from the list of nearby businesses that is provided by an online directory.

1. On the Find Location screen, tap Search Online to display the online directory listing. 


2. Enter the name of a business, or its type, in the search box at the top of the screen, and tap Search. Select an entry from the list of results that is returned and it will be added on your trip as a stop.

TIP: To see the list of Places that are closest to another location instead, tap Nearby. Tap Other City and then search for, and select, another location. If you have a destination already entered you will also be able to search On Route or At Destination.


Search Your Contacts


1. On the Find Location screen, tap Contacts.

2. Enter the name of a contact in the search box at the top of the screen.

3. Select a contact from the list.

4. On the Address screen, select an address.

5. Tap the plus icon at the bottom-right of the screen. The address will be added to your trip as a stop.


Use Exact Coordinates


If you know the latitude and longitude of a location, you can add it to your trip by specifying its coordinates.

Depending upon the region that you are in, you may also be able to add a location by specifying its map grid reference. For example, if you are in the United Kingdom, you can specify a location by its Ordnance Survey grid reference.

1. On the Find Location screen, tap Coordinates.

2. Tap one of the icons to specify the coordinates in: decimal degrees; degrees, minutes and seconds; degrees and minutes; or grid reference (if available).


Pick Stops on the Map


1. On the trip map, tap a Place icon or other location. A box will pop up describing the location. Tap it to select.

2. Tap the plus icon at the bottom of the screen. The Point of Interest or other location that you selected will be added as a stop to the trip plan.


Change the Starting Location and Destination


You can use the trip plan to reorder stops, including the starting location or destination, by dragging them up and down the list. 

On the trip plan, the first entry in the list is always the starting location for your trip (and has a green icon next to it), and the last entry is always the destination (and has a red icon next to it). The entries in between are stops, and have amber icons next to them.


Create a Waypoint


A waypoint is a route influencing point or a via point. It is not a destination the driver has to reach, but a location you would like to use to guide the driver to a destination. To create a waypoint:

  • On the trip PLAN screen, enter all of your stops and waypoints. (You must have at least three stops entered before you can designate one of them as a waypoint.)
  • Tap the amber target (circle) next next to any intermediate stop you want to set as a waypoint. It will open a screen showing the stop on the map.
  • Tap Set as Waypoint, and tap the back arrow to return to the PLAN screen.
  • Your stop will now be set as a waypoint when you generate your route. 
  • On the map, the waypoint will be shown as a gray circle with a number inside.

In the example below, Philadelphia is being set as a waypoint for a trip between Trenton, NJ, and Harrisburg, PA. 


Remove Stops


You can remove individual stops from your trip, if you no longer want them to be included.


1. Tap the "x" to the right of the stop that you want to remove.


2. From the Quick Menu , tap Clear Stop, and then Clear Current Stop.