How Route Compliance Data is Generated

  • Your CoPilot application is ultimately what generates Route Compliance data. As long as you are licensed for Route Compliance and CoPilot is active in the vehicle, any back-office route package received or route that is generated in-cab (prescribed route) will be used as the “planned” route. (The planned route is captured in RouteReporter when the driver taps the green "Go" button to start a trip.) Then, as the vehicle moves, its GPS locations are used as the “actual” route.
  • When the vehicle deviates from the planned route, CoPilot records the GPS locations more frequently and triggers an alert that can be passed to CoPilot RouteReporter.
  • At the end of the trip, a Route Compliance package is sent from CoPilot for back-office reporting purposes. By default, GPS is recorded every 5 minutes while following the planned route, and every 2 minutes while the vehicle is Out-of-Route.

NOTE: Route Compliance packages are recorded for each route run in CoPilot, whether for a single leg of a trip (to a single destination) or for the entire planned trip (to a series of stops).