If you purchased CoPilot through a telematics provider, you first want to be sure they have updated your devices with a current version of CoPilot and its map data. You can ask your partner which versions are loaded on your devices or you can check at any time using the FleetPortal web tool. (See Step 3 for more about FleetPortal.) 

Our release notes can help you be sure you are using the most up-to-date versions of the CoPilot app and North America map data. 


If you also have PC*MILER, the latest versions are:

  • PC*MILER 35

  • Map Data 2021Q2


For CoPilot updates, please contact the partner who sold you CoPilot directly. For PC*MILER updates, please contact PC*MILER support.


If your devices are all up to date, you're ready to move on to Step 2