The following configurations will need to be enabled for CoPilot to communicate with our web tools (FleetPortal, Content Tools, and RouteReporter).

[Fleet Portal]
Gives CoPilot permissions to communicate with our web tools
Used to enable/disable CoPilot's ability to post to our web tools
Unique Partner identifier. Provided by Trimble MAPS


Unique Device identifier. The Partner will create this for each of their customers' devices.


Unique Driver identifier. Used for filtering routes in RouteReporter by Driver.  The Partner will create this.  This configuration is optional.

[User Settings]
Used to enable/disable CoPilot's ability to post route information to RouteReporter.

(Note: RouteReporter is a paid on license for CoPilot. Please consult your Business Development representative before enabling this configuration)

We recommend setting these configurations through our integration APIs.  Links to our API documentation can be found below.

CPIK libraries: 

SDK app:

Note: If needed, these configurations can also be hardcoded into a product.cfg which CoPilot can leverage on launch. However, being that some configurations will not remain static it is recommended to use our integration APIs.