If you are licensed for ActiveTraffic, and a traffic delay is found on your planned route, CoPilot may offer an alternate route.

A new route will be offered if the traffic delay is greater than 10 minutes, and there is a quicker route available. CoPilot will announce "Traffic Alert," and it will display a message like the one in the screen below. 

Choosing a Route Around Traffic

When you receive a traffic alert, you can:

  • Follow the new route: Tap Accept and CoPilot will automatically switch to the faster route. 
  • Ignore the alert: Tap the at the top of the alert to close it or wait 15 seconds and it will automatically disappear.
  • Review the new route: Tap View and an Alternate Traffic Route window will open. The time and distance for the new route will be shown in a blue callout box. (The current route will be shown in a white callout.)

  • If you want to follow the alternate route, tap the green button to begin navigation.
  • If you want to stay on the existing route, tap the to close the Alternate Traffic Route screen and resume your previous trip.

For CoPilot Integrators 

While the default value is 10 minutes, CoPilot can be configured to increase or decrease the delay time. We recommend setting it no lower than 3 minutes to avoid having a driver receive very frequent alerts. If you want a driver to receive few or no warnings at all, set a very high value—like 60 minutes. 

General Traffic Settings

The traffic feature and display bar can be turned on or off using in the Settings menu > ActiveTraffic.