After you have completed your purchase, you will receive an email from that will invite you to log in to the Account Manager. The Account Manager is where you will assign your CoPilot licenses to users, and re-distribute those licenses as your devices or your staffing change over time.  

"Users" can be vehicles, mobile devices, or drivers, depending on how you want to manage your licenses. Many fleets assign licenses to company-owned devices. However, the Account Manager can be used to provide CoPilot directly to drivers for use on their personal devices.

  • If you are new Trimble MAPS customer, you will be prompted to create a password. 
  • If you are an existing Trimble MAPS (formerly ALK Technologies) customer, you will be able to log in using your email address and existing password for PC*MILER or CoPilot.  

Once logged in to the Account Manager, you will be taken to the Dashboard. On the Dashboard, you can view information about your app licenses, including the number of licenses you own, how many you have available to distribute, and when they were purchased.

From the Dashboard, you can also toggle to the other two Account Manager screens, Users and My Account, by clicking on the icons on the left side of your screen. 

My Account Screen

The My Account screen is where you can manage Account Settings and select Account Admins—the people who will be able to access the Account Manager to assign licenses. 

  1. Your company information, including your Company ID assigned by Trimble MAPS. You will need your Company ID when installing CoPilot on your devices.
  2. Whether you are assigning your licenses to Vehicles, Mobile Devices, or Drivers. This is set at the time that you purchased your licenses.
  3. A slider bar to set whether or not to Allow Drivers to create Trips on MileOn or only use trips sent to them by a fleet administrator. (Only if you are separately licensed for MileOn.)
  4. The way you want to identify your users in the Account Manager. Options may include Email, Inventory ID, Phone, Driver ID/Employee ID, and Vehicle ID. (The choices available depend on whether you are assigning licenses to vehicles, mobile devices, or drivers.)
  5. Add a new Account Admin to access the Account Manager and manage your licenses.
  6. Delete an existing Account Admin.

Users Screen

The Users screen may be empty until you add users—mobile devices, drivers or vehicles. The screen capture below highlights the main features on the page.

If you purchased CoPilot through your telematics solution provider, your users may automatically be imported into Account Manager from your telematics data. 

  1. Check boxes to select users. Checking the top box selects all users.
  2. The ID for the user. You will need this ID for each user when installing CoPilot on your devices.
  3. Assign, Un-Assign, Invite or Delete multiple users at the same time. These buttons only appear if you have checked at least one user. (No. 1 above.)
  4. Search for users by name or email or select the group of users you want to view in the Users panel: All users, users with CoPilot Truck with ActiveTraffic licenses, or users who are Uninvited or Unassigned licenses.
  5. Add a New User, Import multiple new users in a .csv file or Export users to a .csv file.
  6. Invite or Re-Send an invite via email for a user to download and install the app.

Adding Users

If Account Manager does not already display your users, you will need to add users before moving on to Step 2.

If you are using web tools (FleetPortal, in particular), do not invite new users to join your company account, or install CoPilot on your devices, until you have set up FleetPortal in Step 3