This step is not necessary to get your fleet up and running on CoPilot and can be done at a later time. 


Content Tools allows you to create custom map content that can be used with CoPilot. Custom content includes:

  • Places—Custom Places are your own named locations on the map—from important business locations to rest and fuel stops for drivers. They allow you to route to a location by name, and they contain important information about that location such as its address, coordinates, a unique company/customer ID and general notes about the location.
  • Route Modifiers—Route Modifiers are road segments you want CoPilot to avoid or favor when generating a route.
    • Avoid: An avoided road segment is effectively treated as if it were closed unless no other road can be used for the route or if the total trip distance would be unacceptably inefficient.
    • Favor: A favored road segment will be used in a route unless it is not practical to do so.
  • Closures—Road Closures are temporary restrictions for specific road segments. They cause a road segment to be avoided when generating a route in CoPilot. 
  • Sites—A Site is a boundary geofence on the map around a custom Place. With this polygon in place, you can add specific entrances and exits (Gates) to the location for precise last-mile routing. You can also specify a Gate Path a vehicle should take when approaching the Site and provide notes about the Site the driver can read in CoPilot as he or she approaches the entry gate. 


Once created and saved in Content Tools, this content is synced with CoPilot through FleetPortal. The sync occurs every time CoPilot is launched on a device, or every six hours, as long as the device has an internet connection. 

For more about Content Tools, please see our User Guide.