Additional licensing is required to use RouteReporter. Check with your Trimble MAPS account rep if you would like to be licensed for route compliance.

RouteReporter is a web-based route compliance solution that provides visibility of your fleet’s planned and post-trip routing activity. With RouteReporter, you can easily view and analyze data from vehicles in the field over a specified time, helping to ensure true route compliance and measure driver performance. 

There are three main route compliance tabs:

  • Dashboard: An overview of your fleet, with an overall summary of key data as well as several graphs showing performance indicators for your drivers and vehicles.
  • Route Compliance: Visualization comparing planned route to actual path taken by your vehicles using CoPilot.
  • Reports: Generate out-of-route data and compliance reports to objectively measure driver compliance with the planned route.

Setting Up RouteReporter

RouteReporter should be set up automatically after you have configured your fleet with FleetPortal. Vehicle and driver groups set in FleetPortal are automatically pulled into RouteReporter. You can log in to RouteReporter with the same username and password you use to log in to the Account Manager. 

How RouteReporter Works

Your CoPilot application generates Route Compliance data. As long as you are licensed for Route Compliance and it is active in the vehicle, any back office route package received or route that is generated in-cab by CoPilot (prescribed route) will be used as the “planned” route. Then, as the vehicle moves, its GPS locations are used as the “actual” route.

  • When the vehicle deviates from the planned route, CoPilot records the GPS locations more frequently and triggers an alert that can be passed to CoPilot RouteReporter.
  • At the end of the trip, a Route Compliance package is sent from CoPilot for back office reporting purposes. By default, GPS is recorded every 5 minutes while following the planned route, and every 2 minutes while the vehicle is Out-of-Route.
  • This data is then displayed in RouteReporter.

For more about RouteReporter, please see our User Guide