CoPilot uses a Vehicle Routing Profile to optimize your route by considering the type of vehicle that you are driving. For example, if you are driving a truck, CoPilot will calculate a route that considers:

  • Physical restrictions, such as low or weak bridges.
  • Legal restrictions, such as the maximum dimensions, weight and speed that apply to the vehicle.
  • Whether you are carrying a hazardous cargo.
  • The need to avoid lower classes of roads and U-turns.

Default Vehicle Routing Profiles

Because CoPilot tailors your route to the type of vehicle that you are driving, you must ensure that you have selected the correct vehicle profile before embarking upon a trip. (If you are running CoPilot on a company issued device, this profile may be set in advance by your fleet administrator using CoPilot FleetPortal.)

CoPilot comes with several default vehicle routing profiles. The list of predefined profiles that are available to you is determined by the version of CoPilot that you have. For example, the following profiles are available in CoPilot:

  • Auto (automobiles)
  • RV (recreational vehicles)
  • Motorcycle
  • Bicycle
  • Walking

The following predefined vehicle profiles will only exist if you are running CoPilot Truck:

  • Heavy Duty (large straight or articulated trucks or goods vehicles).
  • Medium Duty (small trucks).
  • Light Duty (light commercial vehicles such as a vans or pickups).

Selecting a Profile

1. On the Settings menu, select Vehicle Routing Profiles .

2. On the Vehicle Routing Profiles screen, select the vehicle routing profile that you would like to use.

If you are running CoPilot Truck for the first time, or have started it again after deleting the vehicle routing profile that was previously in use, the Select Vehicle Type screen will be displayed.

Tap the vehicle type that most closely resembles the vehicle that you will be driving.