Trimble MAPS releases an updated version of CoPilot on a regular basis, including major releases and maintenance releases.

  • Our major releases include new features and can be identified by a change in the initial version numbers. (For instance,

  • Our maintenance releases will not generally include any new features and will, in most instances, only differ by the ending version number. (For instance x.x.x.965)

Our release notes provide information about all of the major new features, enhancements and fixes in each version. The updates in each version are carried over to the next version. As a result, it may be helpful to review more than one release to gain a complete understanding of all the changes since your last version.

In this article:







CoPilot 10.9.0


Release Date: May 2019

Platform Released
Android CPIK
Android SDK
Android CPIK Xamarin


FleetPortal URL Launch: The URL Launch feature can now be used to set up a device so it can connect to CoPilot FleetPortal. 

Error codes have been enhanced for the "Pause" function within Optimization

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where RouteMgr.IsCoPilotReadyToAddStops was not being triggered properly.

Fixed a crash that could occur when hitting the back button in the CoPilot SDK sample app.

Fixed an issue that could cause CoPilot to freeze when resizing a screen.

Fixed a crash that could occur if an empty string value is passed into the PARTNER_ID configuration setting for FleetPortal.

Fixed an issue where some files input into CoPilot were not being closed after use, potentially causing memory leaks.


Release Date: May 2019

Platform Released
Android CPIK
Android SDK


Alternate Route Calculations: Integrations with the CoPilot SDK can now be set up to alert a user when an alternate route has finished calculating.

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that caused addresses generated from a geo URI to disappear unexpectedly.

Fixed an issue that could cause CoPilot to crash when using custom Point of Interest (POI) icons.

Fixed an issue that could cause incomplete downloads of map data.

Fixed the appearance of icons during an initial launch of CoPilot. 

Fixed the Vehicle Routing Profile user interface so that entering a new name doesn’t undo previously entered changes to the profile.


Release Date: March 2019

Platforms Included in this Release

Platform Released
Android CPIK
Android SDK
Windows Laptop SDK

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where the CPIK API RouteMgr.selectAlternateRoute() does not work when the user specifies PREVIEW_TRIP_MAP_NO_WIDGET mode.

Fixed a threading issue that could cause CoPilot to crash during the map differential request process.


Release Date: February 2019

Platforms Included in this Release

Platform Released
Android CPIK
Android CPIK Xamarin
Windows Laptop SDK


Safety Warnings: Added a customer setting to stop the Safety Alerts & Warnings menu from opening when the user taps on the speed limit sign in the navigation screen. 

Bug Fixes

Version Upgrades: Fixed an issue that prevented the installation of a CoPilot version upgrade when the installation files were in external storage.

Code Optimization: Fixed an issue that was causing error warnings after running ProGuard optimization.

GPSDevice.sendGPSLocation(): Fixed an issue that caused CoPilot to crash in certain circumstances when calling the GPSDevice.sendGPSLocation() API.

Map Downloads: 

  • Fixed an issue the would prompt users to download map updates over a cellular network when WiFi was disabled and restarted during a download.
  • Map downloads over a cellular network now support switching back and forth from Base to Energy or Energy to Base map data sets.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing new map differential updates from patching in CoPilot v10. 
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the resumeMapDownload API from working properly. 

SD Cards: Fixed an issue that was causing CoPilot to be unable to find maps stored on an SD card on certain devices.

Profiles at Startup: Fixed an issue that could cause CoPilot to prompt the user to create a Vehicle Routing Profile upon every launch.


Release Date: January 2019

Platforms Included in this Release

Platform Released
Android SDK

Bug Fixes

URL Launch: Fixed an issue that was causing CoPilot to crash when sending addresses via URL launch. This only affected inner-city areas on specific devices.

Change Device Feature: Fixed an issue that was disabling the Change Device option even when it was enabled via configuration values. By default this option is hidden and only applicable for Generic license users when deactivating that license from a device.

Pop-up configuration: Within CoPilot, it is possible to disable pop-up messages via configuration values. It was reported that the menu and zoom buttons were also being disabled. This has been corrected to ensure only pop-up messages are disabled.


Release Date: December 2018

Platforms Included in this Release

Platform Released
Android CPIK
Android SDK
Android Xamarin CPIK
Windows Laptop SDK


Activation: The CoPilot Integration Kit (CPIK) now supports offline activation.

Time-Based Truck Restrictions: CoPilot routing now supports time-based truck restrictions, such as those set under the London Lorry Control Scheme.

Location Services Warning: A new configuration setting was added that allows you to disable the “Location Services are currently turned OFF” pop-up warning message.

CPIK Fragment Sample Application: The app was updated to provide support for Android 8.1 and higher.

Bug Fixes

Translation: Corrected the language translation of details such as current location, stops and waypoints in the user interface.

CPIK Improvements: 

  • Fixed a crash that could occur in the CPIK Xamarin Fragment sample app when trying to run optimization batch files. 

  • The POI search function was updated to only include results from the categories requested.

Trip Preview: 
Fixed an issue that could cause the active trip to be deleted when closing a Trip Preview.

Custom Buttons: Fixed an issue that could cause user-created custom buttons to disappear from the CoPilot user interface. 

School Bus Routing: School bus RouteSync blobs now support the AutoSetStopDirection and WrongSideOfStreetCostX1000 configuration settings.

RouteSync v2 Binary Format:

  • Fixed an issue with format compatibility when sending and receiving RouteSync blobs (affects PC*MILER 32, CoPilot 10.7, and CoPilot 10.9).

  • Fixed an issue with v2 binary RouteSync not supporting updated road class types.

Over-the-Air (OTA) Downloads

  • Fixed an issue that caused CoPilot to restart instantly when downloading map data on the first run.

  • Fixed the DLSucceeded return code when using the SDK API for map downloads. 

  • Fixed other issues the could cause crashes when a user tries to pause, cancel or resume downloads via APIs.

  • Wi-Fi only configuration option no longer affects the use of Traffic or Single Search features.

URL Launch: Fixed a crash on route calculation with URL Launch.

Version: 10.9.0 

Release Date: October 2018

New Features


Bug Fixes

Known Issues 

Platforms Included in this Release

Platform Released
Android CPIK
Android SDK
Android Xamarin CPIK

New Features

Custom Location and Routing Content: Content Tools, a web tool where you can create and manage custom location and routing content, includes multiple new features that can be shared with CoPilot to generate precise first- and last-mile guidance and provide drivers with the information needed for on-time deliveries. (Currently only available in North America) New features include:

  • Sites: Sites improve routing accuracy and driver guidance by defining exact entrance and exit points as well as how the driver should approach and depart a location. You can also improve customer service by communicating important location-specific information to a driver—right at the point of arrival. (Requires Content Tools to create and manage Sites and CoPilot FleetPortal for delivery to the device)
  • Place ID Search: Drivers can add stops to their trip by searching for a unique Place ID rather than waiting for dispatches. A Place ID, for example, can be created to match an existing Customer Code, Location ID, Store ID, etc. (Requires Content Tools to create Places and related Place IDs)
  • Custom Places - Multiple Sets Support: Custom Places can be grouped together in custom sets (e.g. customers, terminals, rest stops, etc.). These sets not only make searching for Places easier, but also can help avoid confusion—you can limit drivers to only seeing sets that apply to them. (North America only. Requires Content Tools to create and manage custom Place sets, and CoPilot FleetPortal to assign those sets to vehicle groups)
  • Custom Route Modifiers - Multiple Sets Support: Similar to Places, custom Route Modifiers (roads to avoid, favor or close) can be grouped in sets to improve route results by applying the appropriate set to each vehicle group. (Requires Content Tools to create and manage Route Modifier sets, and CoPilot FleetPortal to assign those sets to vehicle groups)

  • Custom Places - Differential and Performance Updates: A new, more efficient method of synchronizing custom Places with CoPilot reduces data consumption. Performance has been improved when processing updates to large custom Place sets (e.g. 10,000+ Places).

Driver Map Feedback: Drivers can provide direct feedback from within CoPilot to improve our map data and reduce errors in stop locations received through dispatch integration with CoPilot. (North America only)

School Bus Vehicle Routing Profiles: Two new Vehicle Routing Profiles have been added for school buses—Conventional School Bus  (48-foot) and Small School Bus (29-feet, 6 inches.) These profiles also include new settings to prohibit U-turns and ensure the route strongly adheres to the side of street needed for student pickups and dropoffs. (North America only, applicable license required)

Canadian Postal Code Search: Canadian postal codes can now be entered to search for cities when entering stops for a route. 

CPIK Logging and APIs: The CoPilot Integration Kit (CPIK) includes a new logging feature that can help to better identify issues that arise when calling APIs. Multiple APIs have also been added or updated in CPIK, including:

  • Motion Lock Modes: Customize Motion Lock, a safety feature that locks the navigation screen when a vehicle is in motion, to allow access to more or less of the user interface when it is enabled. 
  • Single Search: Take advantage of a single search web service to improve searches for Place names and addresses in the CoPilot map data. (Internet connection required) 
  • Add or Delete Stops: Insert a stop into or delete a stop from CoPilot's active route, and set the plan trip screen to show stops with no widgets.
  • Nearest Street: Find the nearest street names by passing a location to CoPilot.
  • Chevron Display: Customize the chevron display, a widget containing text related to your current trip, depending on the type of information you would like displayed for drivers. 
  • Routing Profile: Create a detailed Vehicle Routing Profile—including new settings for governor speed and elevation limits (North America) only—and set it as the current profile in CoPilot. 
  • Road Speeds: Road speeds, which are used to calculate ETA, have been removed from the Vehicle Routing Profile and can now be set via APIs based on jurisdiction (state/country), vehicle type, road class and more. 
  • Governor Speed: Set a governor speed for your vehicles. 

CPIK Sample Applications: Two sample applications can help you more easily learn how to integrate CoPilot into your application—Skeleton, a quick start application; and Fragment, which includes a more comprehensive overview of the API offered.

Display and Alerts: Several new features have been added to enhance the CoPilot display and the alerts provided for drivers. 

  • Differentiated Route Lines: CoPilot can provide visual differentiation between managed route paths (e.g. RouteSync, first/final mile for Sites) and CoPilot-generated route paths.
  • Low Bridge Warning: CoPilot will provide an audible and visible warning up to 2,000 feet in advance of a height restriction (based on the user’s routing profile) when there are no safe alternative routes—whether or not there is an active trip. 
  • Tunnel Code Icons: The navigation screen can now show the tunnel category for hazardous materials on the map. (Europe only)
  • Map Toggle: A new button on the trip planning map allows you to toggle among a full route view; a zoomed in view of the origin; and a zoomed in viewed of the destination. 

Advanced Optimization: CoPilot’s Advanced Optimization, a premium add-on feature that allows you to optimize a delivery manifest into an efficient and achievable route, has been enhanced with new options, including:

  • Unique ID for Optimization Clustering: Create unique IDs for stops that should be clustered together when optimization is performed. (Applicable license required for Advanced Optimization)
  • Historical Traffic: Take historical traffic into consideration when calculating optimized routes. (Applicable license required)


Routing and ETA:  Routing and Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) enhancements are an important part of every CoPilot release. Highlights in CoPilot 10.9 include: 

  • Side-of-Street Settings: CoPilot’s adherence to side-of-street routing—routes that put the driver on the same side of the road as a stop location—can now be set for each individual stop on a route, rather than just globally for the entire route. 
  • Stop Information: Additional information can be displayed for each stop on a route to help drivers keep on schedule, including: the planned duration of the stop (dwell time), driver notes specific to that stop, and a custom icon for that stop. (Applicable license required for Advanced Optimization or Advanced ETA.)
  • ETA Alerts: Drivers can receive API callbacks to help them quickly see whether they are early, on time, at risk of being late, or late for a delivery window. (Applicable license required for Advanced Optimization or Advanced ETA.)
  • Map Routing Views: Routing lines on the map show different colors to help drivers differentiate between the route to the next stop and the route to all the stops thereafter.
  • Improved Truck Preferred and Hazmat Preferred Routing: Truck routing was altered to better reflect the intent of a town’s road regulations, allowing for better Truck and Hazmat routing when source data is less than perfect. (European truck routes only)
  • Restricted Ramp Routing (Austria and other areas of Europe): CoPilot will no longer avoid motorway ramps that are truck restricted, but allow deliveries, if a vehicle is making a delivery stop in that local area. 

Extended Truck-Specific Speed Limits: The combination of a new data provider plus use of Jurisdiction-wide Rules allows CoPilot to inform drivers about truck-specific speed limits in areas where truck and automobile speed limits differ. (Available worldwide)

Improved Guidance Instructions: Guidance instructions, both text and audible, were updated in a number of areas, including:

  • Complex Turns: Instructions for U-turns and complex junctions have been further simplified.
  • Lane Divergence: The logic used for lane divergence instructions (e.g. "Use the X left/right lanes to stay on Y") was updated to provide this guidance in more situations. 
  • Merge: Merge instructions were updated to eliminate occasional, unnecessary instructions, such as "Keep Right" when merging onto a highway from a ramp.
  • Stay on Road: The number of situations where CoPilot will give an instruction, even though the user is just staying on the same road, has been streamlined. 
  • Turns vs. Ramps: Instructions have been improved to help avoid situations where CoPilot would refer to a protected turn as a “Ramp.”

ActiveTraffic Distance Controls: The configuration used to determine the maximum distance ahead to look for traffic information was updated. This will also manage the display distance shown in CoPilot navigation screen. (Applicable license required)

Extended OTA Map Download Configurations: Further configurations are now available for partners to manage data usage for over-the-air (OTA) map downloads at startup. 

Mute Button on Navigation Screen: Drivers can mute guidance instructions with one touch in high stress situations requiring minimal distraction.

Increased Contrast for Truck Restricted / Discouraged Roads: Certain map styles made it difficult to easily identify restricted and discouraged road links. This has been resolved.

Improved Heading from Stop: The logic that determines the best direction of travel when returning to the road from a stop (e.g. driver is in a rest stop parking lot) has been improved.

Better Non-OpenGL Map Performance: Several minor tweaks have been made to map performance, particularly on lower power Windows devices.

Alternate Route Creation Display: When calculating alternate routes on lower power devices, CoPilot provides better communication with the driver on the process status.

Faster Search: The speed in returning typeahead results on address searches, especially when spaces are included in names (e.g. San Francisco), has been improved. 

Bug Fixes

Stability: Many fixes have addressed device-specific and edge case crash and app non-responsive (ANR) triggers.

Tunnel Mode: Now provides more effective navigation when in a tunnel and no GPS signal is available.

Localization/Translation: Improved the translation of many driver-facing text strings, and added translations for a few previously missed ones.

RouteSync Notifications: The RouteSync icon is once again immediately presenting upon receipt of a new RouteSync trip rather than waiting until it has fully processed and become active.

RouteSync Notifications: Audible notifications are now spoken in the correct order, matching the visual notifications for “New Route Received” and “New Route Now Active.”

RouteSync Stop Display: CoPilot is now properly displaying address instead of stop lat/long on RouteSync routes.

Corporate Routing Profiles: Modifying a routing profile defined in CoPilot FleetPortal will no longer cause duplicate corporate routing profiles in CoPilot Truck when its name includes a trailing space.

RequestUpdate API: This API is now properly returning values for available map data quarter, year.

Display Units: Value display units (e.g. kph) have been corrected in Android market applications.

Push Notifications: Push notifications should no longer be received when a user opts out of them.

Alternate Route Button: The performance of the Alternate Route button has been improved. 

Known Issues 

CoPilot 10.9 has been fully tested by our Quality Assurance teams and approved for release. There are however a limited number of issues known to still be present. Those issues are detailed below and will be fixed in our next Maintenance release. If you have any questions or you believe you may be impacted by these issues, please get in touch with Technical Support via

Truck Routing in Inner City London: London is governed by a time-based truck restriction known as the London Lorry Control Scheme. It includes an allowed network of specific roads that should be used at certain times. These roads must be followed when the control zone is in force to get the driver as close to their destination as possible before they deviate from the allowed road network.

It has been noted that when routing within this zone, CoPilot may provide routes that fail to take into consideration restrictions that are present. This only affects Trucks when the scheme is in place. The London Lorry Control is in place from Monday to Friday from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. and Saturday from 1 p.m. to 7 a.m. Monday morning. The primary aim of the scheme is to minimize noise pollution in residential areas of London during these hours.

If you believe you may be affected by this issue, we have identified a fix that we will be testing thoroughly before making a fix version available as soon as possible. For further details, please get in touch with your Account Manager or the Technical Support team via