Description: The error "Cannot find a valid route to your destination" can occur for many reasons. Here are the suggestions on how to troubleshoot/ the possible causes.

Possible reasons:

  • Current GPS location: too far from a road on the road network, e.g. the current location is in the middle of a forest, a river or in a larger private property (private roads are not on our road network).
  • Corruption of maps: corrupted maps after a map download/ map update.
  • Licensing: customer is not licensed for all map regions needed to plan the route.
  • Routing: a large section of the route involves a ferry (penalty). Example: a trip from Australia to New Zealand.


  • Current GPS location: too far from a known road: You need to make sure the user's current location is on a road known in our road network and advise them not to plan a trip from/ to private roads, bodies of water, nature reserves etc.
  • Corruption of maps: Close CoPilot, delete the map data (folders: NA, pic, speech, info, gpstracks), re-launch and download the map data again.
  • Licensing: Based on the trip information and licensing, you can determine if the customer is licensed for all regions involved in the trip. Example: if a trip is planned from the UK to Germany and goes through France, the customer needs to be licensed for all three countries, hence needs Full Europe in their license.