We have created this Getting Started Guide for companies that will be using Trimble MAPS Account Manager to administer their fleet's licenses for CoPilot Truck with ActiveTraffic, MileOn, or both.

Many sections of this guide link to other pages within the Trimble MAPS Support Center so that you can read more about a topic. At the top of each page, you will see a Submit Ticket button. If you run into any problems, you can submit a ticket to our Technical Support team. They will reach out to you for assistance. 

In this article:

Step 1: Add assets

Step 2: Set up web tools with CoPilot

Step 3: Configure your fleet with FleetPortal (Recommended)

Step 4: Add custom content in Content Tools (Optional)

Step 5: Install the apps

Step 6: Verify assets

Step 7: Train drivers to use the apps

You bought multiple app licenses, what's next?

After you have completed your purchase, you will receive an email from accountmanager@trimblemaps.com that will invite you to log in to Account Manager. Account Manager is where you will assign your CoPilot and MileOn licenses to assets, and re-distribute those licenses as your devices or your staffing change over time.  

"Assets" can be drivers, devices or vehicles, depending on how you want to manage your licenses. Many fleets assign licenses to company-owned devices. However, Account Manager can be used to provide CoPilot directly to drivers for use on their personal devices.

Once you’re logged in to Account Manager, you’re ready to start adding assets—the first step in getting the apps installed on your devices.

Step 1: Add Assets 

Assets can be entered into Account Manager one at a time or uploaded "in bulk" via a .csv file from a spreadsheet program. Read more about Adding Assets. Next:

  • If you signed up at the time of purchase to use Trimble MAPS web tools with CoPilot, continue with the steps below in this guide.
  • If you are not using web tools with CoPilot, or you are only using MileOn, you can skip ahead to information about installing the apps.

Step 2: Set up web tools with CoPilot

Trimble MAPS offers web tools that enhance CoPilot by making sure your fleet is operating with consistent vehicle settings for routing, as well as custom location content. (Otherwise, settings need to be entered individually on each device running CoPilot.) You will be notified at the time of your CoPilot license purchases if you have access to these optional tools. They can be accessed with the same login information you use with Account Manager. 

Your "Welcome" email should also include links to these tools. They include:

  • FleetPortal: FleetPortal allows you to remotely create CoPilot vehicle settings, such as Vehicle Routing Profiles, and then assign those settings to specific groups of vehicles. FleetPortal data is generally maintained by a fleet administrator. 
  • Content Tools: Content Tools allows you to create, manage and share custom location and routing content with CoPilot. A company can assign one or more administrators to monitor the content as well as individual contributors to add to it. Content is shared with CoPilot via settings in FleetPortal.
  • RouteReporter: RouteReporter provides visibility of your fleet’s planned and post-trip routing activity for deep analysis and actionable insights. You can easily view and analyze data from vehicles in the field over a specified time, helping to ensure true route compliance and measure driver performance.  
  • MapSure: MapSure allows you to submit edits, such as new or corrected information about streets. The Trimble MAPS data team will check your edits against official sources and include all improvements in future map data updates.

If your fleet is using web tools, a live training session is available to help you get started. Please contact your Trimble MAPS account representative for more details.

Step 3: Configure your fleet with FleetPortal (Recommended)

FleetPortal is the first web tool you will need to set up after adding assets. It ensures all of your vehicles—or specific groupings of vehicles—are running CoPilot with the same settings. You can access FleetPortal with your Trimble Identity (username and password).

In FleetPortal, you create CoPilot settings and assign them to groups of vehicles or drivers (assets). The first time you log in to FleetPortal, we recommend the following steps:

Working with Content Tools

Custom content created in Content Tools (see below) can also be assigned to vehicle groups in FleetPortal. You can:

  1. Assign Route Modifiers
  2. Assign Custom Places

FleetPortal Resources

To learn more about how to use FleetPortal, please view:

Step 4: Add custom content in Content Tools (Optional)

Content Tools allows you to create custom map content that can be used with CoPilot. This step is not necessary to get your fleet up and running on CoPilot and can be done at a later time. Custom content includes:

Places—Custom Places are your own named locations on the map—from important business locations to rest and fuel stops for drivers. They allow you to route to a location by name, and they contain important information about that location such as its address, coordinates, a unique company/customer ID and general notes about the location.

Route Modifiers—Route Modifiers are road segments you want CoPilot to avoid or favor when generating a route.

  • Avoid: An avoided road segment is effectively treated as if it were closed unless no other road can be used for the route or if the total trip distance would be unacceptably inefficient.
  • Favor: A favored road segment will be used in a route unless it is not practical to do so.

Closures—Road Closures are temporary restrictions for specific road segments. They cause a road segment to be avoided when generating a route in CoPilot. 

Sites—A Site is a boundary geofence drawn on the map around a custom Place. With this geofence in place, you can add specific entrances and exits (Gates) to the location for precise last-mile routing. You can also specify a Gate Path a vehicle should take when approaching the Site and provide notes about the Site the driver can read in CoPilot as he or she approaches the entry gate. 

Once created and saved in Content Tools, this content is synced with CoPilot through FleetPortal. The sync occurs every time CoPilot is launched on a device, or every six hours, as long as the device has an internet connection. 

Content Tools resources

To learn more about how to use Content Tools, please view:

Step 5: Install the apps

The are two basic methods for installing apps:

  • Install CoPilot or MileOn on a company device, logging in with the information you have entered for that particular asset, or
  • Invite a driver to join the company account in order to download and install CoPilot or MileOn on his or her device. The driver will receive installation instructions via email.

Read more about installing apps

NOTE: If your company whitelists only certain domains for in/outbound web traffic, the Account Manager URL, https://accounts-api.trimblemaps.com, must be whitelisted in order for CoPilot to reach our servers for license activation and renewal. Go here for a full list of CoPilot URLs we recommend that you whitelist.

Step 6: Verify Assets

In Account Manager, you can confirm whether an asset has installed an app by checking for the Activated tag in the row next to the asset's information. (If the asset has not installed the app, that column will read Assigned.)

Step 7: Train drivers to the use the apps 

The MileOn and CoPilot apps are built to be easy to use, and we have many resources available to help you quickly get drivers up and running on the apps.


