CoPilot normally routes around all truck-restricted roads. The only exception is when a restricted road is the only way to reach a particular stop during a trip. In that case, CoPilot will provide multiple warnings to ensure the driver understands he or she is entering a restricted road and should take the necessary precautions.

Two Stops Ahead

The first warning will pop up when the driver is within two stops of a destination that is on a restricted road. That is, if stop No. 5 is on a restricted road, the driver will see the warning after he or she clears stop No. 3. (Likewise, if the restriction is for one of the first two stops on a trip, the warning will appear immediately when the route is first generated.)

This early warning will include the name of the restricted road and its distance ahead on the route. The driver must press OK to clear the warning from the CoPilot screen.


Restricted Road Warning

CoPilot will provide guidance up until the driver reaches the restricted road. At that point, an additional warning wil pop up, and CoPilot will stop providing guidance. No further guidance will be provided until CoPilot detects the driver has navigated to a legal road.